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The Best Pelvic Floor and Butt Release


Struggling with butt pain? Sciatica? Pelvic floor muscle tension or tightness?

I'm about to tell you about the best pelvic floor and butt muscle release! You'll need 2 franklin balls.

Place the franklin ball at your sitz bone and roll the ball around - more instructions below!

Your pelvic floor muscles and deep gluteus muscles can be holding tension. This can be due to being more sedentary (i.e. sitting at a desk more) or tucking your pelvis a lot!

Watch the full video here!

If you are struggling with

  • Sciatica

  • Butt pain

  • Pelvic pain

  • Dyspareunia

  • Vaginismus

  • SIJ pain

  • IT band syndrome

Try it!


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