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How to Stop Hormonal Dizziness


Dealing with dizziness caused by hormonal changes can be frustrating and overwhelming. Whether it’s due to pregnancy, menopause, or other hormonal shifts, understanding the triggers and knowing how to manage them can bring great relief.  Let’s dive into effective strategies on how to stop hormonal dizziness and when it’s necessary to seek professional help. 

How to Stop Hormonal Dizziness

What Causes Hormonal Dizziness?

Dizziness from hormonal changes can present in many ways such as imbalance, lightheadedness, or vertigo (the sensation that you or the environment is moving when they are in fact not). In more extreme cases, people can even experience double vision, as if dealing with hormonal changes wasn’t difficult enough! While dizziness can occur during all kinds of hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menstruation, it is especially common during menopause. 

Estrogen is the primary hormone involved in reproductive health for women. The changes in hormonal levels of estrogen, such as during the menstrual cycle, are what lead to more typical symptoms of headache, bloating and fatigue. But estrogen also has a role to play in other bodily functions such as regulating blood pressure, bone health, as well as brain function. The resulting changes in blood pressure are what lead to lightheadedness. The fluctuating levels of estrogen also impact your nervous system, thereby creating imbalance and perhaps vertigo. 

Effective Strategies on How to Stop Hormonal Dizziness

Hormonal dizziness can be distressing although it is rarely dangerous. If you’re dealing with hormonal dizziness, you can take the following steps to ease your symptoms.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water: staying hydrated keeps your blood pressure stable, reducing the chance of lightheadedness and dizziness.

  2. Get Adequate Sleep: Very few things are as impactful as getting good quality sleep. Be sure to prioritize sleep so that your body and brain get the rest they need. 

  3. Exercise: staying active helps you regulate blood pressure as well as other physiological processes of the body. Even low level activity has been shown to reduce dizziness and decrease risk of falling in a 2009 study

  4. Reduce Stress: high stress levels can exacerbate or in some cases even cause dizziness. Be sure to prioritize your own health when dealing with hormonal dizziness. Meditation and breathing techniques aimed at relaxation are also worth considering.

  5.  Eat Well: Consuming nutrient rich whole foods helps with your overall health and additionally your hormonal dizziness. It may also be a good idea to consume small meals throughout the day to regulate blood sugar and reduce risk of dizziness.

When to Seek Professional Medical Help

Hormonal dizziness is not dangerous and can usually be self managed. But if symptoms are especially persistent or severe and greatly reducing your quality of life, it’s important to seek advice from a medical professional. A physician may consider hormonal therapy for some people. 

If you suspect there is something deeper going on with your dizziness, do not hesitate to seek medical advice. There are other causes of dizziness arising from cardiac, neurologic, or vestibular issues. If there are any other neurological signs with your dizziness such as visual disturbances, leg or arm weakness, and facial drooping, get yourself to the emergency room right away. 

About the Author: Dr. Jimmy Pang is a physical therapist specializing in the treatment of concussions, headaches, and dizziness. To learn more about dizziness and vestibular therapy, you can check out his website by clicking here. 



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